Salon Policies


Thank you for understanding that these policies and guidelines are vital to the sustainability of our business.

We’ve carefully created every policy and guideline below in a way that is designed to ensure that the service experience and quality of work delivered to all of our guests is the absolute best. 

FOR HAIRCUTS - Please arrive with your hair in a freshly styled state that accurately represents how you usually style it. Please wash, style, and fully dry your hair within 24 hours of your appointment to help us give you the best and most accurate cut possible.

Please do not bring guests (this includes spouses, kids and friends) to your appointment. 

When you reserve an appointment, you are agreeing to the price for that appointment.  If your late arrival prevents us from performing the full service in the time allotted for your appointment, we reserve the right to charge you in full for the service, reschedule you with a late arrival fee, or charge you a no show fee, which is payment in full for the time reserved, as we would be unable to fill that spot. Please be advised that ONLY a NO CALL NO SHOW (failure to call or email BEFORE your appointment time) will result in being charged for 100% of your appointment. Advance notice of at least 12 hours with rescheduling will not be charged a cancellation fee.

Please cancel your appointments AS SOON as you know that you will not be able to attend. Please DO NOT come to your appointments if you are sick. IF you need to cancel, we will reschedule for our soonest availability that works with your schedule, with no additional fees. Please have the courtesy to cancel your appointment if you are unable to make it. NO CALL NO SHOW appointments will be charged 100% of the full appointment scheduled.

After your service is completed, if you feel that you need an adjustment or something isn't quite right, please contact us within 7 days of the service via